Seven days,
not just Sundays.

Explore daily Personalized Discipleship and Spiritual Habits with Apollos Web, TV, and Mobile Apps.
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Shepherd your community all week long.

Disciple making is tough when people are isolated and not genuinely connecting. Online communities are disconnected, your followers lack clear steps, and you don’t have the data to make confident strategic decisions.
But when you partner with Apollos, everyone in your following will have clear next steps, they’ll experience easy ways to connect with others, and they’ll finally make it a habit to engage in scripture and prayer daily.
Letters to the Church Product CardGive Thanks product cardJournal Entry product cardPray for a person product cardDaily Devotional product cardCampus location product card
Newspring Church full color logo
“Almost 10k people a month use the NewSpring App for their daily spiritual disciplines. The app would not be as successful as it is without the Apollos team. I'm always looking for new ways to take advantage of our partnership!”
Testimonial photo of a man
Frank Grand
Technology Product Owner

Engagement Connection.

We create better engagement by creating technology-driven experiences that make connecting with God and community a daily habit.
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Growth Plan

Everything you need to grow your digital ministry.

Apollos focuses on the most important experiences to help you guide people through their discipleship journey.
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Connect on every device

Help your community grow and stay engaged with a cross-platform strategy and customized apps across devices.
Purple line drawing of people icon

Connect with others

Communities help your church connect, pray, celebrate, and grow closer to God with others.
Green line drawing of a heart icon

Increase generosity

Apollos integrates with most major giving providers to allow for the best experience regardless of which giving provider your organization relies on.
Yellow line drawing of a person icon

Disciple personally

Offer the right next step, for the right person, at the right time with personalized digital discipleship. Act on the actions of your community regardless if they're taking steps in person or digitally.
Green graph arrow going up icon

Build daily habits

Practice daily habits in a way that builds connections with others: Pray for others, journal with your small group, and read scripture with the community.
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Watch & grow

With over a dozen integrations to top video and content services, make it easy (even automatic!) to distribute your content to your community.

Syncs with your existing services and data.

Apollos syncs data with the other services you already depend on. With over a dozen integrations with the top technology providers for doing Church, your team won't need to learn new tools to launch Apollos experiences.
Graphic showing all of the companies Apollos can integrate with, including Rock, Youtube, Twilio, and others